Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Token Tithes
Daylight intrudes with patches of blue sky
Yesterday the weather harassed us with restlessness
I sit in a comfortable chair
In my home in the suburbs
Away from city pavements and high office towers
In lost moments to myself
I look around the neighborhood
From an enclosed screen porch
And spy the heat of other lives
Caught up in their snares

A young couple walking arguing
A little boy fallen off a tricycle
A screen door slams
A grumpy looking girl in knotted hair
Listens to a ranting parent
Tries to get out of earshot

I feel like a worm that’s been overfed
My thoughts; the collection basket at church
The size and substance
Of our token tithes
Pocket change mostly

We are an abomination all of us
Have we been gone too long to be changed?
Somebody loves us all
But we don’t remember Him to feel His approval
You rob me, he says
In tithes and offerings
You are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse
That there may be meat in my house
And prove me
If I will not bless you with overabundance and blessings
Malachi 3:9-10

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